ZZ9000 Compendium
More than a modern Amiga graphics card
Compiled by a ZZ9000 owner and enthusiast
Updated: March 25, 2023 | ZZ9000 is © 2019-2023 MNT Research GmbH |
Preface | Specifications | Requirements / Compatibility | Production / Shipping | Installation | Screen Modes
Add-Ons | Apps 'n ARMs | Benchmarks | Features | Support / Troubleshooting | F.A.Q. | Links | Contact
If you see anything in these pages that needs to be added or corrected, please don't hesitate to contact me.
To prevent my e-mail address from being grabbed by bots and spammers, please interpret it below as necessary—sorry for the inconvenience:
gdonner at gregdonner dot org
My ZZ9000 installations (both Amigas professionally recapped and repaired thanks to Anthony Hoffman).
Special thanks also go to a very helpful fellow Amiga user who recapped my A3000's power supply, and a previous coworker who very kindly (and carefully) cut the design error traces for me on both ZZ9000 boards.
Amiga 4000 |
- AmigaOS (with 3.2.2 hardware ROM)
- Rev. B motherboard, 1992
- 2 MB Chip, 16 MB Fast RAM
- Super Buster rev. 11, socketed
- BFG9060 (rev. 0.2b), 50 MHz 68060 (rev. 6)
- ZZ9000 (batch 1) using 1.13 firmware and drivers
- ZZ9000AX audio card
- P96 v3.3.3
- Dell P2319H IPS LED monitor
- X-Surf 100 with RapidRoad USB
- 256 MB BigRamPlus
- 16 GB Disk-On-Module via A4000 motherboard IDE
- Chinon 1.76 MB internal high-density floppy disk drive
- Master-3A1 880 K external floppy disk drive
- AmigaOS (with 3.2.2 hardware ROM)
- Rev. 9/03 motherboard, 1990
- 2 MB Chip, 8 MB Fast RAM
- Super Buster rev. 11, socketed
- A3660 (rev. 1.1), 50 MHz 68060 (rev. 5)
- ZZ9000 (batch 2) using 1.13 firmware and drivers
- ZZ9000AX audio card
- P96 v3.3.3
- Dell U2211H IPS TFT monitor
- X-Surf 100 with RapidRoad USB
- 256 MB BigRamPlus
- 16 GB SCSI2SD V6 Rev F, firmware v6.4.14 (May 14, 2022)
- Chinon 880 K internal floppy disk drive
- Master-3A1 880 K external floppy disk drive