ZZ9000 Compendium

More than a modern Amiga graphics card
Compiled by a ZZ9000 owner and enthusiast

Updated: March 25, 2023 | ZZ9000 is © 2019-2023 MNT Research GmbH

Preface | Specifications | Requirements / Compatibility | Production / Shipping | Installation | Screen Modes
Add-Ons | Apps 'n ARMs | Benchmarks | Features | Support / Troubleshooting | F.A.Q. | Links | Contact


If you see anything in these pages that needs to be added or corrected, please don't hesitate to contact me.

To prevent my e-mail address from being grabbed by bots and spammers, please interpret it below as necessary—sorry for the inconvenience:

gdonner at gregdonner dot org

My ZZ9000 installations (both Amigas professionally recapped and repaired thanks to Anthony Hoffman).

Special thanks also go to a very helpful fellow Amiga user who recapped my A3000's power supply, and a previous coworker who very kindly (and carefully) cut the design error traces for me on both ZZ9000 boards.

Amiga 4000
Amiga 3000