A showcase of visual comedy
Updated: November 20, 2019
What is "The Orchestra"? | The official website and DVDs |
When and where was it aired? | The episodes | Credits | Trivia | Links |
Quick glimpses | File description | File type | File size |
Opening theme (video) | .wmv | 8.71 MB |
Opening theme (audio) | .wma | 1.33 MB |
Ending theme (audio) | .wma | 705 KB |
What is "The Orchestra"? |
The Orchestra is a 10-episode comedy mime and slapstick TV mini-series about a maestro and his valet. Produced by David Goldstein and Eliezer Dorot, it features the acclaimed mime comic Julian-Joy Chagrin (or simply "Julian Chagrin") as "The Maestro", and Sefi Rivlin (a.k.a. "Seffy" or "Sephy") as "The Valet".
Originating from United Studios of Israel, now United Studios Herzelya, and loaded with sight gags, The Orchestra draws humor from—and parodies—the world of classical music with a unique combination of music-hall slapstick and the serious. To the right is a short video clip of the introduction, and audio-only clips of the introduction and ending themes.
This page was started in an effort to provide a rendezvous point to unite fans, rekindle interest, and provide a means of viewing the entire series. This kind of comedy is truly timeless, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
For a taste of what The Orchestra is, take a look at the following YouTube clips: The Orchestra Video Clips
page by Gregory Donner | e-mail |