AmigaOS 3.9 Review (cont.)
Bugs fixed
- Intuition lockups/clashes are fixed.
- Long-standing bugs in the mathieee libraries are fixed.
- HDToolBox (v45.4, below) sports a cleaner, more intuitive interface, and includes several bug fixes.

- Bugs fixed in SetPatch include the stack sizes of various handlers (CON, RAW, PAR, SER, PRT I believe), a nasty bug in RamLib which mis-uses SIGF_SINGLE for communications and hence broke semaphore usage in LibInit code, and another nasty bug in UMult64 and SMult64 which simply swapped the arguments for 68000 and 68010 processors and hence returned complete nonsense. [Thomas Richter]
- ...and many, many more.
Only one, and that is a set of bug-fixed and wider variety of printer drivers for non-HP printer owners.
Is this upgrade worth it? Only you can decide that—but if you were to ask me—I'd say an emphatic "Yes!"
A big thanks to Haage & Partner for overseeing this OS update, the OS team (specifically: Olaf Barthel, Heinz Wrobel, Stephan Rupprecht, Joan Dow, Thomas Richter, Martin Steigerwald and Jochen Becher), the beta testers for all their hard work, and all third-party software authors such as Martin Blom whose work has proven itself in this upgrade.
Thanks to the authors of ADPro v2.5, SGrab v1.4, and Digital Quill v37.1476 for making this review possible.