Beta phase: Development by Hyperion (was dependent on developer free time which, on an individual basis, varied substantially).
Shipped with: N/A
Major enhancements:
- GadTools is now font-sensitive—as a result, all Prefs editors and other system tools are now font-sensitive.
- Printer Prefs now lets you select/specify a "Custom" output device—and unit number—no longer limited to the Serial or Parallel ports.
- Workbench Prefs now has a text gadget allowing you to customize the Workbench title bar with various variables.
- A new system window gadget that applications can request that iconifies windows (used by most system tools, including the console and all Prefs editors).
- A new Shell command that lists the command history (kept by the Shell; not the console).
- ReAction classes are in development.
- Adds L:"System-startup", which seamlessly replaces older hardware ROM-based modules with newer disk-based ones.
Example diskette(s): |