Release date: December 7, 1988
Shipped with: A2024/"Hedley Hi-Res" (Hedley Davis, designer) monochrome monitors
Media: New software only
Major enhancements:
- Added: Special Kickstart file to support the A2024 high-resolution monitor (PAL: 1024 x 1024; NTSC: 1024 x 800).
- Improved: Three libraries, but their version numbers remained the same: exec.library 34.2 (35.6), graphics.library 34.1 (35.15), intuition.library 34.3 (35.45).
Click here for a list of the A2024 disk contents.
Example diskette(s):
- With the exception of workbench.library, most libraries were v35.x.
- John "Chucky" Hertell notes: "When scrolling, the A2024 screen consisted of a grid or series of squares. First, it scrolled top left, then middle top, then right top, then bottom left. That is how it did it in 10 Hz total. Switching to PAL resolutions it was 50 Hz, but really slow afterglow, so maybe it didn't even auto-interlace; it was just so slow for it to be stable. It was ok for mail, FidoNet, text editing, etc. but moving stuff? NO."
- Mark Knibbs notes: "There was no special Kickstart file as such, but a utility called "RamKick" was used to load in modules to replace the ROM-resident modules. The exec, graphics and intuition libraries are replaced." (see 'Restart' screenshot above).
- Michael Sinz notes: "This was publicly available 1.4 beta code which was actually not 1.4. I don't know what the version command returned as far as "Marketing" version numbers. I don't know what the A2024 disks had but it was a new graphics libray needed to do the A2024 and that library was supposed to be the 1.4 graphics (which it was not, since 1.4 did not happen and 2.0 did a lot more than just the changes that were in that graphics.library)."
- Holger Kruse posted on comp.sys.amiga.misc, September 11, 1999: "V35 was called "Jumpstart 1.4" (Hedley/A2024 support disk), and was also used for some modules in 1.3, because Commodore released a beta set of C header files (1.2.1) to Lattice too early, resulting in some incompatibilities that required another version bump beyond the initially planned version number (V34). That bump affected only those modules that actually were incompatible (printer.device and/or clipboard.device IIRC)."
- Holger adds that: "Commodore released the Jumpstart 1.4 disk with A2024/Hedley monitors. That disk replaced some modules (graphics.library etc.) with intermediate V35 versions which already had support for A2024/Hedley monitors without using a real screenmode database, and before 2.0 was ready for release. Unfortunately, the API of V35 was slightly different than those for V33 and V36, so programs supporting all of them had to play some tricks. The version number V35 was no indication by itself that the target device was a A2024, but rather it was an indication that graphics.library supports some additional tags and screenmodes different from the usual OCS/ECS modes, which would allow the use of A2024 monitors, if available."